In order to test problems that users encounter, we ask for your "Data File" from time to time. When you send us your Data File, we can run Tube Toolbox with your account and your lists and hopefully hit the same errors that you are running in to which will make it much easier for us to fix.
How to find your Data File
Click on the image of a Folder shown below on the Tube Toolbox log in window. A Windows Explorer window be displayed and the file that you want to send to us is nameTubeToolboxData.sdf.
It is common that your email client (GMail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc) will not let you email your Data File because it's too large. Instead, you can use this website to send files that are too large to send through your email system. or
Instructions for using SizeableSend
- Enter your email address as sender email and as recipient email.
- Click Select Files, it will open a browser window.
- Locate the file you want to send and click Open.
- It will begin the sending process.