If Gathering does not seem to be working correctly, the following information should be included in your ticket.
1. Which gather feature are you using?
- Targeted Spider Search
- Gather all from Current Page(s)
- Gather some from Current Page
- Gather from Search Results
- Gather from User
2. What URL are you starting from? Please do not say you are gathering from several URLs. We need you to send the ACTUAL URL you are gathering from (see below).
(or what search term and search order if you are using gather from search results)
(or what username and user feature if you are gathering from a User)

3. If you are using Spider Search
- Any keyword options checked
- Any keywords entered
- Max Users to Gather
- Any filters added
- Was "Do not gather users who I have gathered in the past" checked?
4. Include a screenshots of your gathering information (see screenshot below).

If using spider search...