Yes, you can run multiple copies of Tube Toolbox on a single computer or different computers.
A couple notes:
- If all copies running are logged into the same YouTube Channel, then you are treading on YouTube's Terms Of Service because technically you will be performing more actions than a human can do in the same amount of time. Because of this reason, it is our official policy that this practice should not be done.
- If all copies running are logged into the same YouTube Channel, there is no benefit if they are all performing the same action. For example, if they are all doing Bulk Message Sending, there is no benefit to running that second copy of Tube Toolbox. There is only a benefit if one is Sending Messages and the other is Sharing Videos for example.
- If you are logged into different channels on YouTube, then you can get up to about five going and then you might hit some messages from YouTube saying there is too much traffic coming from your network which can slow down your sending.
- Tube Toolbox can take up quite a bit of RAM on your computer so just keep an eye on it and keep in mind that running multiple copies might slow your computer down a bit in general.